
Personal Blog of Sumit Shatwara. Opinions mentioned here are personal and not of my employer.


Before knowing about me, I must tell you who should read this blog? And why should you read this blog?

If you are looking to understand the know-how of different areas of Kubernetes, Cloud Native Architecture and Cloud Computing, then you are at the right place. I will also write about my personal experiences in many other areas as well.

What can Kubernetes do for you? Technology-driven organizations and it’s users expect applications to be available 24/7, and software developers expect to deploy new versions of those applications multiple times a day or a week. Containerization is becoming the de-facto standard of packaging the software application to meet these demands, which further helps applications to be updated, released and deployed in an effortless way without downtime. Kubernetes helps you to automate the deployment of those containerized applications to run on abracted computing resources and the ecosystem of tools around it. Kubernetes is an open-source container management platform designed with Google’s accumulated experience in container orchestration, combined with best-of-breed ideas from the community of established organizations, startups and individual contributors. And, most of the organizations are either exploring or already adopted this technology called Kubernetes.

I was fortunate enough to hear this term “Kubernetes” back in 2016 when I was working with my first employer and my curiosity of knowing about Kubernetes has only increased every year since then. I have invested most of my self-learning hours in the last few years about knowing this technology. I am starting this blog to share my learnings with you all.

My name is Sumit Shatwara, having just below 8 years of IT Industry experience. I am deeply passionate about Cloud native technologies and solving different IT problems for diverse teams through those technologies. My primary goal is to help more and more IT teams to solve their most difficult problems.

I am currently working as a Solution Architect at Red Hat based out of Mumbai, India. At Red Hat, I’m responsible for Technology Sales and work as a Trusted Advisor for the Independent Software Vendors (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Industry) and Mid-tier customers across different Industry verticals. As a part of the team, we at Red Hat help customers, partners & community develop cloud-native applications, integrate existing and new IT applications, and automate and manage complex environments.

You can find me on LinkedIn or Twitter. I like discussing the latest and greatest happenings in the Computer Software and Financial Services Industries.